I see abandoned buildings everywhere, businesses closed up, ah, small businesses throughout this nation. Everywhere I’ve gone in the last year, there are empty warehouses, empty commercial buildings, uh, small businesses closed up, out of business. Anywhere in the United States you go right now you’re going to see empty buildings, you’re gonna see empty storefronts. Out of business. Closed. Gone.
TOM ASHBROOK: And families, Willie, families, kids, How they doing?
WILLIE “UGLY” TISEER: Well, you know, everybody’s struggling. I mean, it’s not… The average person in this country is not the $150,000, $200,000 a year family. Out here in the real world that, that ... You know, ask any truck driver. You’re dealing with, ah… the working person in this country I would say averages somewhere between $23,000 and $60,000 is the actual middle working class. It’s not the large city, big money. And the people are hurting. I mean, everywhere you go you’ll find people having trouble paying their bills, kids that aren’t getting fed regularly. There’s people out of work. There’s people standing around that can’t find jobs. And then you have different levels of that. I mean, everybody’s upset. You know, and, and you see it all when you’re out here.
I listen to a lot of radio. Generally, people are upset. They’re tired. They’re tired of hearing promises that aren’t being kept. You know, you go to one radio program and a guy’s yelling about the Right, the Left, the Center, the Liberal, the Progressive, the Democrat, the Republican. It’s a 24 hour a day barrage of people screaming about what’s wrong and how bad we as Americans are. You know, it’s not… people are just depressed. Everywhere you go you can feel like a sense of anxiety, or whatever. People do not know what’s going to happen with this economy. I personally think our economy is going to tank.
That was long-haul trucker Willie “Ugly” Tiseer with Tom Ashbrook.
Partly in response to a listener’s comment on the transcript last week, that’s at DemandSideEconomics.net, we had to reconsider our characterization of a securitization market that has dried up. This is not the case. You will remember the TALF program, a Fed-sponsored scheme providing low cost non-recourse loans to people who would provide student loans, car loans, credit card loans and then submit them to the Fed as collateral. As we understand it, this program was widely popular for awhile, but is now wound down. Apparently with the private market filling the void. We suspect that pension funds and others needing certainty about repayment may have taken advantage of this. It was part of the panoply of Fed-sponsored programs that substituted for the market’s innovations when those innovations came a cropper. The Fed, you will recall, propped up money market funds, commercial paper and every other private credit function for awhile. The TALF’s $1 trillion came in combination with the remarkable $1.25 trillion in purchases of mortgage backed securities.
The propping up of the credit functions is testament to the exhaustion of the consumer economy. The project is doomed. Taken simplistically, consumption does not produce enough value to repay expanded credit. Consumers are already saturated with debt. It has been our theme that the consumer economy is dead, and attempts to float another bubble with zero interest rates and shifting the burden of lending to the Fed is a tortured and rocky road to nowhere. The value that can be created is in public goods – education, climate change mitagation, energy conservation, infrastructure construction and maintenance. You won’t see sexy models stroking them on television tonight, but they are what provides value. And nobody really denies it. They just ignore it.
Take for example, the mantra of innovation leading to economic expansion. Perhaps this is true. But what is not true is that corporations are the seat of innovation. Corporations operate on the Chinese model of copy, adapt, modify and sell for your own account. Actual innovation is made possible only by a huge public investment in education and often a huge public investment in providing the initial markets for innovation. Where would the airplane be without World War II and the military industrial complex? Where would the auto be without the intersate highway system and massive public investment in streets and roads? Where would the Internet be? Where would most advances in medicine be?
And this is exactly where our investment dollars should go now. To education and to direct investment in the products we need for planetary survival. The government’s making a market for energy efficiency and climate-friendly infrastructure will produce those products. Additional tax breaks to corporations so they can modify technology into another consumer gadget will not. We’ve been over this before. Maybe we’ll go there again. But we tire of the lame apologies for the stagnation of the economy when the assumption is a return to consumption-led growth is the only way out. It is a blind alley. The only way out is investment in public goods. It creats the value. Government provides the certainty of repayment of invested dollars that the private economy does not – except with outrageous central bank intervention. AND it provides jobs that cannot be outsourced. You’re not going to ship a road in from China. Nor educate your children in Chinese. Nor retrofit your office building with huge mandibles extending over the ocean.
We ask that you submit the question to your own common sense.
Now, here is James K. Galbraith speaking on the bipartisan molting going on in the nation’s capitol. It was the introduction to a symposium on the condition of cities and counties sponsored by the Economists for Peace and Security and the New America Foundation. Link online.
We meet today at a moment when the normally useful distinction between sense and nonsense seems to have disappeared on a bipartisan basis. All around us key points of principle have been given up. The political struggle is over what to cut and what to save, over how to bargain, and not over what to do.
In economic policy, magicians and necromancers have taken charge, brewing a toxic vat of program cuts and deregulation, from which they promise that, somehow, jobs will emerge. Serious people cite serious people on the subject of what serious people permit themselves to think. Meanwhile, the crisis in the country deepens, and hopes for a coherent strategic response to it recede.
You can see this in the content just revealed of the latest budget deal, which – as we increasingly face an environmental challenge and an energy crisis – targets the Environmental Protection Agency and the transportation system. And in the service of what? Deficit control and debt reduction. On this subtle, technical and deservedly obscure topic, today everyone is an expert because everyone adheres to the one true thought. We are witnessing one of the greatest waves of mass hysteria of all time, the fruits of one of history’s most intense and successful propaganda campaigns.
As a professional economist and one with a background in political work – I was here on Capitol Hill for many years, worked for the Congress – I am impressed. I am even in awe. Practically every avenue of debate has been closed off. And not by argument. Not even, as was the case thirty years ago when a few of us tried to stand in the way of the juggernaut of the Reagan economic policies, not even by the convinced philosopical positions of effective public intellectuals. But rather by endless repetition of the same slogans, repeated and barely detectable changes in the foundation of the argument, and silence in the face of criticism. That there are many economists, experienced people, impeccable credentials, who don’t buy the line, that history and comparative experience contradict it, is a secret to most people. We are hidden in this discussion behind a wall of invisibility.
Now I am not excessively worried at the moment, to be frank, as an economist by the recent rounds of short-term budget cuts. The lost income, after all, will be offset by falling tax revenues and increasing unemployment insurance, applications for disability, and so forth. And so the overall effect on total income will not be that large, just as the effect of the financial crisis was not that large. The deficit will not decline very much, and things will go on much as before. The regret here is that in most cases, we needed to do what we are not going to do. The environment and transportation are good things, even if an extra engine for a fighter aircraft can be dispensed with. It’s merely foolish to give these things up on the pretense that you are accomplishing something, when you’re not.
What worries me more is the prospect – which I think hangs over us all – that there will be a bi-partisan compromise on so-called “long-term deficit reduction,” the issue which even people who think themselves to be sensible and progressive concede must be dealt with, and that this compromise will do irreparable damage to the well-being of large parts of the American population, to what remains of the basic social infrastructure supporting what remains of the American middle class – Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
And for what?
The idea that there is an economic rationale for dismantling these most successful and effective social insurance programs, that have performed well and efficiently, with very low administrative costs, for many decades – close on to 70 years in the case of Social Security; since 1965 in the case of Medicare... the idea that the capital markets, for example, demand such an overthrow of these institutions is plainly absurd. The capital markets tell you every morning at what rate they are prepared to lend to the government of the United States for ten, twenty and thirty years into the future. And if people who have money, have their own money on the line, were seriously worried about the prospect that the United States government could not service its debts, or the prospect that the United States dollar will fall victim to a massive inflation, they would not be willing to lend to the United States government on the extremely favorable terms that everybody can see are now available. There is something wrong with this story.
And the idea that we should frame policy around a set of computer forecasts, produced even by so lofty and irreproachable organization as the Congressional Budget Office when the capital markets don’t take these forecasts seriously, and when anybody examines them, as very few people do, can see they are internally inconsistena and not reflective of any history of our economy, is even more absurd.
Meanwhile, it’s out in the country, and out in our states and our cities, that the immediate consequences of this policy environment are being felt. I live in Texas, and in my home state – which is far from being the worst effected by the financial crisis and the recession – my daughters bring home from school reports of the teachers in their public schools who will not be there next year, who have been laid off because the school district is facing a massive budget shortfall.
What will that do? Of course, it will degrade the quallity of the public programs that my children, many children, are in. What will the teachers do? Well, they will apply for jobs in the private schools to which middle class parents will feel forced to flee. And they will be hired and they will teach what they taught before, but for lower pay and at higher cost. This is supposed to be an economic improvement? Someone should explain to me where it comes from.
We are seeing cuts in Medicaid which I am told by nurses will produce closures of nursing homes. And what will people in those homes do? Many of them don’t have another place to go. So, of course, they will go to the emergency rooms and they will end up filling hospital beds. And guess what? This will be very good for the economy, because the hospital beds are much more expensive than the nursing beds. Hmm?
And I ask you, Where is the rationality in this? Where is the sense of organized purpose? Where is the goal of improving the performance of our economy? Or the living standards of our people? It is nowhere to be seen. In the rush to achieve things which are driven by some metaphysical notions that have become attached to accounting concepts.
And of course, looming over these issues, is the ugly question of power. The question really, which we have so vividly seen played out in the state of Wisconsin recently, but present many places in the country, of whether public servants – public employees – in this country have any rights to negotiate the terms of their employment.
Is there hope? I suggest that there is hope only if some of the people who we have assembled today are finally heard from, and if the proposals that they will be offering at this symposium are able to reach out and find a base of support in the country, if their voices can cut through the fog of propaganda and, really, of indifference to what is happening in the country that clouds so much of our policy dialog today. It is not an easy task.
.. but as was said fifty years ago, Let us begin.

The biggest threat to the American way of life is American politics. It is now so corrupt that no sensible debate can be heard about solving the biggest crisis to hit the US in fifty years. When you have the GOP denying the existence of global warming and the Tea Party determined to destroy america from within without even realising it you have a recipe for disaster. Government funding is very different from that of a household yet that is what is driving the emphasis on cuts. Yet the most inefficient sector of government the military is not even being considered for cuts. All while two of the most efficient programs, welfare and medicare are being targetted for cuts. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do not hear is the call for public investment. The GOP says it is wasteful spending. The Dems say it is useful, but we cannot afford it. Investment in public goods is being cut off at the knees because people cannot see that it is no less valuable than spending on consumption in the private economy, and in fact, is many times better, both in terms of employing our idle capacity in labor and industry and in preparing a future we can inhabit. Keynes' call for the socialization of the investment process is forgotten. Now we have capital markets playing casino games.
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't end well.